Monday, September 27, 2010

birthday celebrations.

Blue Bayou, Disneyland California

CG 25th Sep.
home baked chocolate banana cake from Melody! for me! loves.

part of E447. many thaanks! :))

followed by birthday dinner for SookHua at BabaKing, Expo
with her pretty cupcakes!
happy birthday to you too! xoxo

that's just a brief update. i have a tad too many photos on hand to filter. close to a thousand picts on LA and Vegas! aiyoyo. will upload them in FB and prolly post up my fav shots here (when i have the time). told myself to spend time mugging today but still rotting at home till now. ooopsie. i've been waking up around 10+ everyday without fail and started stoning at 5pm. still working out with the jetlag. which is rare. can't wait to attend lesson later at night. yes, i miss school cause i'm feeling a lil rusty already.
i'd better get my arse moving soon. still in the midst of uploading 1/5 of photos to FB. don't think i'll be brushing up on my studies today. HAHA! till then :))

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