Thursday, September 9, 2010

first mooncake.

drove Sister out for retail therapy. she has been rotting at home for the past weeks. HAHA. super expensive to bring her out. Dragon-I for lunch, got to 'pao' her shopping bills and else. We had our first mooncake, from Haagan Dazs.

shagged look. not enough sleep.

subsidized by my Chai Sen Yeh :)

had BBQ + steamboat buffet for dinner with family and Starbucks with kakis. loves.

didn't do much today. woke up early for breakfast with family, visited little cousins, sent Janice to kindy and currently rotting and lazying in friend's house. differentiating fishes and other aquatic animals before they became seafood XD do you know the difference between a 'pek cheoh' and 'tau teh'? apparently they're of different species with different face. wth. i definitely can't go marketing. HAHA.
going off for assam laksa as late lunch. till then! :))

how you guys enjoying my waka waka song?

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