there are few simple things in life that we could actually do to make a person's day. for an instance, a sincere compliment!
First Class arrives in Economy, from my passenger.
*speechless, sniffs*
big wide smile
secondly, commendation on a job well done. getting positive remark for my work by a tip-top supervisor adds on to the joy, apart from having less than half the load on a HongKong run. both are RARE, with possibility close to ZERO! lady luck must have been with me today! even my trip to church in Jurong West went so smoothly. buses and train came very on time and i had a free ride home! God must have wanted me to attend the Bible Study today, and i'm glad i did :) not only that, i finally get my UOL Econs revision class sorted out, right on the dates that i'm around. thank God for the unsuccessful change of flight. hehee
i had quite an enjoyable supper in HongKong last night. mango dessert tapao-ed from one of the famous dessert branch in airport.
real hidden valuable gem in HK!
Mango Mochi with grated coconut.
omg omg look, real mango inside! and the mochi is so chewwey!
*hyperventilating in excitement*
yumss. i want more! next time, next time.
besides the mochi, i had the mango with sagu and pomelo. i wouldn't mind doing another HongKong nightstop just for that! i should go HK for holiday sometime soon. when i'm a little richer compared to the current financial status. so glad that i don't have class tomorrow cause i've been wanting to sleep in since weeks ago. i'll do that tomorrow :) time to shower and go to bed.
hope you readers have a joyful day ahead too! till then, be blessed. xoxo
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